 Considering that the department handles two major areas of focus (which could stand as independent departments) i.e. Communication and Development Studies, the duration will be four (04) years so as to enable the students get adequate theoretical and practical grounding in both domains.  Courses are structured to reflect the diversity of the areas concerned. In this light, they will link the field of Communication to that of Development Studies. Moreover, they will incorporate inter-disciplinary and cultural perspectives. Nature of Degree At the end of the programme, students will graduate with a B. Sc in Communication and Development Studies. Graduation Requirements 1. At least 240 credits with a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2 on 4. This is distributed as follows: Compulsory Courses 150 Electives Courses 48 Research Project 12 Internships 12 University Required Courses 20 TOTAL 242 2. All Communication and Development Studies majors are required to participate in internship programmes during the long vacations of the second and third academic years. The internship programmes are compulsory and therefore count towards graduation. Employment Opportunities The programme blends theory and practice to prepare students for advanced study or careers in communication and development, all within the context of a rigorous liberal arts education. Skills to be acquired Graduates with a BA in Communication and Development Studies will acquire the following competencies: • competencies of general knowledge and intellectual ability. • professional techniques of research, writing (and other forms of presentation), editing, design and production. • the ability to use communication tools and to adapt to new technologies and innovative practices. • professional understandings, including ethics. • knowledge of communication’s role in society; and • knowledge of best practices in communication. Joint Compulsory Courses 1. CADA2101: Communication Theory 2. CADA2103: History of Mass Communication in Cameroon 3. CADA2105: Introduction to Development Studies 4. CADA2111: Effective Communication 1 5. CADA2204: Principles and Practice of News Writing 6. CADA2206: Principles and Practice of Development 7. CADA3105: Development History and Theory 8. CADA3107: Development Policy, Planning, and Implementation 9. CADA4202 Information and Communication Technology 10. CADA4101: Communication and Development 11.CADA4206: Research Methods 12.CADA4107: Introduction to Social Statistics 13.CADA4109: Internship 1 (Communication) 14. CADA5109: Internship 11 (Development) 15. CADA5298: Research Project Core Communication Courses 1. CADA2202: Organizational Communication 2. CADA3103: Radio Programme Writing and Production 3. CADA3202: TV Programme Writing and Production 4. CADA3214: Introduction to Advertising and Public Relations 5. CADA3101: Media Law and Ethics 6. CADA4103: Writing and Editing 7. CADA5107: Online Communication 8. CADA5206: Media and Health Communication – Elective Courses 1. CADA2208: Photojournalism 2. CADA4113: Media and Society 3. CADA3113: Effective Communication 11 4. CADA4210: Globalization and Communication 5. CADA4111: Contemporary and Electronic Publishing 6. CADA4212: Typography, Design and Desktop Publishing 7. CADA4214: Mass Media in Africa 8. CADA4218: Radio/TV Directing Core Development Courses 1. CADA3206: Regional Planning and Territorial Development 2. CADA4205: Development Financing and Management 3. CADA5218: Development Project Evaluation, Maintenance and Sustenance 4. CADA5101: Sociology of Development 5. CADA5103: Political Economy of Development 6. CADA5105: Comparative Development Experience 7. CADA5204: Social Policy and Social Development Development – Electives Courses 1. CADA2109: Culture and Development 2. CADA2210: Introduction to Rural Development 3. CADA3109: Gender and Development 4. CADA3210: Community Development Organisation and Planning 5. CADA3212: Public Health and Development 6. CADA5222: Economy and Society in the Age of Globalization University Required Courses (See general University Required Courses)

Duration: 4 years

Cost: 50000 XAF

Two (02) “A” level papers and five (05) “O” level papers including English Language with at least a “B” grade. However, those who do not meet the English Language requirement will be expected to pass a language proficiency examination before being considered for admission